Friday, March 16, 2007

Crazy Snow Storms Make for SNOW MUCH FUN!

We had one crazy storm here today. At first glance, it looks like regular old snow. But if you hold out your hand and let if fall against your skin, you'll find that it is really more like a collection of crystal orbs. Ok, otherwise known as hail or freezing rain, but really, it is so beautiful. When I walk through it, my boring winter boots turn instantly into glass slippers, which part the crystals in cascading waves of light. Their beauty nearly brought tears to my eyes. Such simplicities often catch me off guard and send my heart fluttering. I hope to teach little Sarah to relish those small miracles which I have chosen to overlook for so long. And what better way than to teach her by example.


Jennifer Stewart said...

This is layout journaling right here! Love your perspective. :) And that pink snowsuit is precious!


Maggie Lamarre said...

omg all that snow that's insane.
Sending you some FLorida sunshine !

Congrats on the papers, what software do you use to create them?
Have a great weekend

... said...

Hi Alexis :) Stay warm in all that snow :)

Tracey Odachowski said...

You got snow AGAIN?!?!?!?! Man, could ya SHARE???????? ;)