Tuesday, August 23, 2005


One for an idea book being published by Carson Dellose (three layouts) and one from Paperkuts. Unfortunately, I couldn't take the Paperkuts one since the idea book already picked up the same layout...bummer but I'm happy two editors wanted it! YAHOOO!! This is really fun!!

This is a layout I just did about dd turning eight months old. Time is flying by so fast...it makes me want to hold on to her and never let go. She is still my little baby but I can already feel her pulling away into her own individuality. If only I could keep her as a baby for a little longer...but I am loving this "playing" stage a lot as well!

Too early for Halloween you say....Oh I think NOT!

My God...I gave birth to the most adorable baby in the world...if I do say so myself! We bought her this princess costume for Halloween but I could not wait for then to see her in it! I couldn't stop laughing she looked so darn cute. She just kept staring at me wondering why I was smiling so much...I guess I need to really smile more!

Serious retail therapy for my majorly PMS'ing butt over here. I think I spent like over a hundred on new scrap supplies. Hey, I'm getting published now so it is just a business write off...HA HA HA! Can't wait to get it all in my hands...Must take more pics....

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Pain has risen....but I push on...

So, the pain is full force these past few days. Had my little cry session and I'm feeling stronger now. I just have to realize that pain is my constant companion. It has to be looked at as a part of my life instead of a nuisance to it. I think that is the only way I'll be able to just push on with my life.
I wanted to participate in the Effer challenge this week because I love Shel Silverstein, and I wanted to do the Ad Challenge plus I had challenged myself to use fashion as an inspiration...but then the pain hit hard and I didn't have the energy. So instead I made the layout above...which is a combination of all the challenges. Even included inspiration from my tattoo in it as well.
I know I am strong enough to push on with this life...I'm not dieing, I'm just in pain. And my daughter, husband, family, job and friends are more than anyone could ask for. I am grateful for everything in my like and I would hate to trade this pain for any one of those things. This is just my cross to bare...whatever doesn't break you makes you stronger.

Monday, August 15, 2005

love this sewing machine

This sewing machine is so much fun to use. It is amazing how many different places you can find to put a stitch! This layout is about the paper crown daddy made for Sarah. It is just too cute on her head...that is until Nugget the dog chewed it to pieces....oh well, at least I got the pics!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I love my mailman today...even offered him a cool drink so he would come bach QUICKLY with the rest of my goodies!

Saturday, August 6, 2005

New Junkitz and New Sewing Machine!!

So I thought I was sewing machine challenged but appartently it's in my blood! Both grandmothers were seamstresses, which must explain why I love this machine SO MUCH. I created the layout above the first night I got the machine and I just sent it out on a bunch of scrap mag calls. It is my favorite layout I have done so far. It screams MY STYLE, which sometimes doesn't show through as much as I would like it to. I'm now off to make a purse...wishin my self luck on this venture!

Tuesday, August 2, 2005


OMG! I just got an email from a French scrapbooking magazine that wants TWO of my layouts for their November issue! I am so on cloud nine right now. I never thought I would be picked up for a magazine...let alone in France. I checked out their gallery at www.ideesdescrap.com and it is AMAZING! I can't believe the editor wants my work in there AND in the mag! HOLY GUACAMOLE! It feels so good to know that others think you are as artistic as you think you are! LOL! I feel so loved! But of course, I scrap for my daughter and the memories, but this is AMAZING! I AM BEING PUBLISHED! Oh Happy Day!

The pics here are of the layouts that got picked up!!