Thursday, January 31, 2008

My New Paper Line!!

Here's the first peek at my new paper line coming out with Dream Street Papers at CHA-W =) We're now doing double sided papers with the most kick butt new printer so our colors are just gorgeous! Plus, each of our lines comes with coordinating double sided 6x6 and 6x12 diecut minibooks. You know that makes this minibook queen HAPPY!

I'm crossing my fingers that the papers are received well. I'm always so anxiety ridden when my paper line releases! It's like letting your baby go out into the world all alone and you hope everyone plays nicely with them ;) I got the papers in my hands today and after all the craziness with the CMYK conversion I have to say that i ADORE the colors. It was well worth the sleepless nights!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Itunes!

You probably recognize the song from the Macbook Air commercial. The song just makes me happy :)

And our first two Dream Street sneak peeks are up on the blog! Check them out the link on the sidebar!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sushi and Sake. . .

. . .another great combination, if I do say so myself. This weekend, we visited our favorite sushi restaurant and had some delicious sushi. Sarah is becoming quite the expert at using those chopsticks. She can feed herself and even pick up those tiny bits of avocado that fall on the plate. She's pretty much in love with avocado lately. I think she'd eat the whole thing if I let her.

I think I found two good books to read on my eight hours of flying time to and from California in a couple weeks. If anyone has any good recommendations, I would love to hear them!

And in Dream Street news.....OUR SNEAK PEEKS START TOMORROW ON THE DREAM STREET BLOG!! Here's a quote Amy and I wrote for the blog::

"It's that time again! Dream Street Papers will be releasing ten new
collections for Winter CHA 2008. Not only will you find something for
everyone from our nine distinct designers, but you'll also find that we
added something special this time around. Our papers are now double
sided! We've included solids and fun cut-out embellishments to many of
the new lines so everything you need is at your fingertips! Plus, with
our new die-cut, double sided minibook pages, you're bound to find
something that will inspire you to create your most fabulous scrapbook
projects yet!

Check back tomorrow for our first two peeks!"

I can't wait to show off these new lines :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lori Earley Exhibit

One of my favorite artists, Lori Earley is finally having an exhibition of her work...Fade to Grey.....CAN NOT WAIT!! She inspires me so much with the way she sees the world.....dark yet ethereal.

Here are the details if you are in the area::

Opening Reception: February 23rd, 2008 7 p.m - 9 p.m.
Jonathan LeVine Gallery
529 W. 20th Street, 9E, New York, NY
The Exhibition will be on view from February 23 - March 22, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Italian Food and Red Wine.....

There is no better combination than some good Italian food and a glass (or two) of red wine. I've been so swamped with stuff to do lately that I decided to take this weekend off (well at least one day off) to just shop, talk, and eat. On the shopping front, I got some awesome necklaces and hair fobs ;) and some frames for my etsy prints. Then some chicken franchese (how does one spell that?) and about 3 rolls of homemade bread (carbs are my best friend...and they love my hips too :P)

Please don't mind the photo of me. I've been playing around with CS2 a lot lately, but the photo processing I'm into right now just doesn't work well with pics of a three year old. So you'll have to deal with me...sorry about that! I'm loving the pale/harsh contrast look right now. Once CHA is over I'm going to get myself a good book on photo editing in CS2 and go to town.

I'm seriously considering a new tattoo. I wanted it on my wrist, but the design is too intricate to go in such small space. Since it's a tribute to my abuelita, I don't want it in the pelvic region, if you get my drift. Any ideas of a better place to put it? I was thinking the shoulder....hmmmmmm

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Label Tulip Love

I just love this kit....really I do. It's uncanny how much inspiration i can get from the way Cindee puts together such amazing and diverse products. I want her to come and decorate my house next ;)

On the CHA front, I finally finished my booth work for Xyron and mailed it off. Now I just have to complete my Dream Street and PageFrames projects! Our Dream Street papers should be here by next week. I am ecstatic to get my hands on is such a surreal feeling to hold the designs you've been staring at on the screen for months. My fingers are itching to create, alter, even sew (I know....someone hide the sewing machine...this could get dangerous).

On the publication front, I had three pick-ups in two days. Gotta luv that!!

I signed Sarah up for pre-school two days a week starting in February. She misses the public school cutoff date so she won't start Kindergarten until September 2009. But she loves her teacher and the activities so much that I decided to try and do a drop off class with her. She already loves the teacher so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll go without too much of a fuss. It's only for 2 hours a day...I couldn't be without her for much longer than that ;)

I've been collecting artwork from some of my favorite etsy artists to make a collage of frames in my scrap space. I just love the collection so inspiring. I'll post a pic once they are all up.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Many many hairs were cut in the making of this photo....

If you know me at all, you know that I can't keep my hair in one style for very long. Luckily, it's thick and grows fast so I can chop it and color it when the fancy strikes. This time, I went for the Betty Paige look. So happy I did it!! I needed a fun change since I've been so BEYOND stressed out with CHA around the corner. I've been swamped under loads of paper designing issues and color conversions. NOT fun. But the proofs came in today and I'm told they look gorgeous...WOOP WOOP!!!! So I feel encouraged and excited to see them IRL soon!

I can't wait to show everyone this's seriously my favorite release to date. I used a lot of little touches and textures that I had been collecting all year and made them into brushes. I wish I could say more!! SOOOOOOON!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

And the Winner of the Random Drawing is.......

Morgan!! Send me your addy and I'll send you out the box of goodies ASAP :)

I LOVED reading all of your posts about your favorite gifts. They gave me a warm fuzzy feeling all day long!