Monday, March 31, 2008

New York, New York!

it's great to be home :) We had a blast in Tallahassee. We shopped (new shoes for everyone!), we ate (the BEST food I have had in a loooong time), and we hung out with the fabulous family. I'll update with photos soon. Of all the fun we had, there was one thing that kept sticking out in my head. HOW DID I GAIN THIS MUCH WEIGHT!!!! So, I have decided to embark on a diet, of sorts. I'm dong the 2008 SELF Challenge. It seems like a great way to keep track of what I'm eating and how much I'm exercising. I'm hoping it'll help me take off the 10 pounds I'm looking to lose. They even send MP3's of workouts you can download to your Ipod...can't get cooler than that. If anyone wants to do it with me, leave me a comment and we can be "buddies" :)
On our shopping trip to Georgia, I came across the sexiest and most comfortable shoes EVER. You must try these on if you can find them in your area. The brand is called Sofft, but I like to call them heaven. I might need a couple more pairs.

The layout above was done with Jofia Devoe's Dream Whispers kit. I don't think I did the kit justice. It's seriously one of the most gorgeous kit's I've played with yet. The elements are all gorgeous in their own right. I think I might print the layout out and hang it somewhere just so I can admire how cute it is. I highly recommend it if you're doing a baby book or a gift for a new mother.

Be back tomorrow with the winner of the RAK :) I got some new Prima, Making Memories (my favorite part of the RAK!) and some other cool stuff! And of course you know I'm going to include some new Dream Street ;)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


WOO HOO! It only took slightly over a year, but my blog just reached 10,000 visitors! FIrst off, discounting the people who just find my blog by accident and promptly click off in horror (hehehehe), thank you to everyone who has ever stopped by and enjoyed my little web log :) If I made you laugh even once (even if it was AT me) or inspired a new layout, then that makes it all worth it! I love recording my scrappy life here to share with friends and family. It gives them a little insight into my job of designing scrapbook paper.

So, in order to celebrate, I"m going to send out a RAK to one randomly chosen poster to THIS post. I'm headed to Florida and I'm going to stop at one of my favorite scrapbook shops. I'll grab some new goodies from the shelves and send them to one random winner as a thanks to those who helped make this 10,000 dream possible. bwahahahhahaha! Just kidding...but not about the RAK. Just post a comment and I'll chose one winner on April 2nd.


Monday, March 24, 2008


That just made me LOL. Had to share ;)

This is another digi layout made for fun. I love that I can watch tv and scrap at the same time without leaving my husband's side. I'm not a big television person unless I can do multiple things while watching it. So digi scrapping is perfect for just that. Thank goodness for the DVR, though. I tend to miss a lot of things when I'm engrossed in moving the photo to the left, no the right, no the left of the layout :P

Friday, March 21, 2008

Seen and Heard...

Seen: Sarah playing with her wireless Leapfrog computer.
Heard: Mommy, the computer isn't recognizing the mouse! (She's THREE!!!)

Seen: Sarah looking at her Sesame Street puzzle.
Sarah: Look at the bugs in the car! They're going to school.
Mommy: Do they like school?
Sarah: Not exactly, they want to go see their Mommy and Daddy and Dixie and Sushi and Pop pop and ........

Seen: Sarah pushes in from of Mommy's computer and puts on her angry face.
Heard: Please, give me a minute! I have to work! I'm going to Robot City. (huh??)

Seen: Leaving for school in the morning.
Heard: Mommy, make sure you have the Ipod. I love the Ipod.

Seen: Sarah running around and Dixie playfully nipping at her pants.
Heard: Mommy!! Dixie's eating me! I"m not a dog toy!

Seen: Sarah dancing in the living room.
Heard: Wake me up before you go go, don't leave me...mumble....wake me up, before you go go, take me dancing tomorrow (Her version of the Wham song, lol)

I can't believe how fast she is growing up! She leaves me in stitches half of the day. Especially when she has her little "sassy pants" face on. She tries to be so adult. For some reason, she thinks being older means having a scrunched up face. Not sure what that's about, lol.

So, you know how much I love Label Tulip. Well, their server crashed for a couple days which was hell on us chatty girls. So to make up for it, Cindee and Cathy are giving away a FREE April Label Tulip kit! All you have to do is give them three creative kit names and post them on this thread. All the details are in the original post so get over there and submit your entry asap! They are picking winners on the 1st :) Good luck everyone....these kits ROCK!!

Here's a layout done with Amy Teet's new Digital Kit at A Cherry On Top. It's got to be my favorite of hers to date. A definite 'do not miss' kit!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Itouch me baby!

I got an itouch today!! This thing is the most amazing piece of hardware I've ever owned (outside of my Mac of course). I can play on the internet, answer emails, get directions, sync up my icalendar, write notes, get directly onto utube and download and listen to music the whole time. And the size of the screen is awesome for viewing my Jason Castro performances ;). I'm still in love with anything that boy does. He's such a goof but so irresistible at the same time :)

Plus, I'm honored to announce that I am now on my first digi CT! And an awesome one at that....Audrey Neal's exclusive digital kits at Scrap in Style TV :) We got to work with her first three kits for SIS this weekend and posted them with her debut this morning. Check them out here! The three layouts above are the ones I did with her kits. There'll be one more layout on the way that mixes all three of the SIStv kits.

I"m off to submit to my first digital call. Wish me luck!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Underneath my goodie two shoes lie some very dark socks..

I was just thinking about how funny it is that certain people know parts of my personality but only my family knows the entire "me". Poor them, lol! Thank goodness they have to luv me anyway. Not to say that I've got a bad streak, well maybe I do, but hey, it gives me personality ;) Suffice to say, life is NEVER boring when you're sitting next to me.

We spent the weekend fingerpainting, experimenting with the slow cooker, shopping and chasing the dog around the yard. All in all, it was a banner weekend :) I got to work with some new AMAZING digital kits debuting tomorrow so be on the look out for those! I upload them as soon as they reveal tomorrow. If I haven't already said this, digi scrapping has stolen my heart. I could do it all day long....and I have ;) Gotta luv daddy/daughter time!

All those projects above are from the latest Label Tulip kit which sold out immediately. I'm so happy to be a part of this new team. We all have our own styles and bring something so fresh to the gallery. Not to mention the fact that the kits are so unique that you honestly can't do a bad layout. They push you creatively to mix things you would never think of mixing. And in the end, you feel like you've actually accomplished a great layout.

We're off to dinner at California Pizza kitchen tonight. If you've never tried the Marsala Marinara with shrimp I highly recommend it. It's probably got enough calories for the entire week, but it is so worth it!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sneaks :)

This has been quite the busy week. Monday was our 7 year anniversary! We went out to a fantastic sushi restaurant that had this aweome sake (crab, shrimp, japanese mayo...) mix that they put in the rolls. It was heaven. And we splurged on a good bottle of cold saki. It was a feast of the senses! Then we watched a movie and relaxed. Trey decided to hit the sack around 11 so I was able to crack open the brand new Label Tulip March kit. This kit is SOOOOOO cool. And not only because it has my papers in it ;) There's a ton of Sassafrass Lass!! I almost didn't want to cut it up. But I did. I'm just hoping I did it some justice. I want to wallpaper my daughter's room with it. At the very least, I think I'll be framing a couple of the sheets.

The gallery reveal is on the 15th but I put up these 2 sneak peeks for now. Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Ahead

As much as I love gaining an hour of sunlight at the end of the day, I hate losing an hour of sleep! Luckily, Trey and Sarah had their Daddy Daughter breakfast at the diner today so I could get come extra uninterrupted sleep time.

Trey made his amazing homemade Alfredo with fresh Lump Crab sauce. Please remind me not to eat for a week. I'm sure I ingested enough calories to cover me for about 5 days. I picked up some great ingredients at the Super Stop and Shop and I'm kind of excited to cook a few meals, which is odd for me. But I'm going with it. Tomorrow we're having lasagna. Talk about loading up on carbs, lol. Thank goodness my husband doesn't mind the extra cushion ;)

That's another digi layout I did this weekend. I just love that I can do those while we all sit and watch a movie or hang out on the couch together. Sometimes I hate having to be secluded in my scrap room to get projects done. And now I don't have to!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I've been tagged :)

I was tagged by danni! So I need to list 7 random facts about me and then tag a few bloggers, list their names below with links to their blogs and finally post on their blogs that they were tagged. So here goes nothin'::

1. I have to drink Diet Orange Soda. Only recently did I find out that it has more caffeine than Coke. Go figure I'm addicted.
2. I'm seriously addicted to digi scrapping. Just ask Amy.
3. I say "definitely" way too much. And up until about 2 months ago, I was spelling it incorrectly..DOH!
4. When I clean the house, I blast the IPOD and dance while I Swiffer. Remember the movie "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"? Remember the scene when the girl is dancing with the broom while she sweeps....ya, that's me ;)
5. I'm a total night owl. Hence the mid day naps. :-0
6. I would rather have the money than have someone buy me flowers.
7. I'm a total sucker for men with accents. Especially British or Irish. SWWOOOOOON.

I tag:
Amy , Tracey (who seriously needs to update her blog) , and the Label Tulip girls (click on each of their photos to get to each blog)!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

American Idol....


Jason's definitely my top pic....swoooooon.

He's just too darn good!

Below is another digi layout I did with the Oscraps Lucky O collab kit. I can't seem to get enough of these awesome colors.

Here are some of the Oriental Trading Company cards and gifts I did that hit their website and catalogue about a month ago. Tracey and I created them on our Getaway trip to the beach. Can't wait to go again. I NEED a trip to the beach, BAD! If you want to see tutorials on how to make each of the projects, check out this link.

I'm off to read some more of this awesome book, The Tea Rose. Have a great one!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Nada Mucho

Nothing much going on this weekend. Spent it trying to relax and read this fabulous book recommended to me by Audrey Neal, The Tea Rose. It's on the sidebar if you're in the market for an excellent historical fiction, Jack the Ripper, love triangle, coming to a nutshell this book has everything and it's got me reading every night again. LOVE YA AUD!

I haven't been doing much scrapping lately. Kind of saving up the mojo for the new Label Tulip kit that has my new paper line in it. Can I say PINCH ME? Other than that, I've been doing some digi scrapping to keep the skillz at their peek. <----Kidding! :0)
The layout was made using Oscraps Lucky O collab kit. I can't wait to make another layout with it. LOVING the colors.

My poor little Sarah has a killer ear infection but she's not so good at taking her meds. She literally throws up any med we put down her, except Motrin and Tylenol. She's got such a delicate palette that she can taste the metallic anitbiotic instantly and promptly upchucks on me. Lovely :P So we're now forcing it down her, feeding her yummy Girl Scout cookies and praying for the best since the doc doesn't want to give her a shot just yet. I hope whatever does stay in here heals the infection fast. I hate seeing her in pain :(

Until next time.....