Weekend in review:
1. Fab dinner party with friends. Awesome recipes, tons of laughs, can't wait to do it again.
2. Read almost all of Olive Kitteridge and am loving it. Devouring every word.
3. Edited family photo shoot at Mill Neck Manor.
4. Ordered Xmas cards - go me!!
5. Made and decorated Halloween cookies for Sarah's class snack at school today.
6. Cleaned the entire house (which is a wreck again..how does that happen)
7. Stressed about the H1N1 vaccine, talked to everyone about it and still have no clue whether to have Sarah get it or not. grrrrrr
8. Photographed all my layouts, in bad lighting mind you. Hence this post ;)
Goodness, I love it when you post scrappy stuff... you are so inspiring to me! I just feel like you have such a fresh way of using everything that makes me eye my supplies in a new way. :)
(The whole vaccine thing makes me nervous, too. We've decided not to, but then I keep wavering. Good luck to you, whichever way you decide!)
We're not getting the girls vaccinated. We never do flu shots anyway, and we make through each season just fine. The way I see it is like this: if you aren't sure, then don't do it.
Love the new layouts -- Sarah is getting so big. And I want to read her puppy story! :)
Your work is at an amazing creative level, I have no idea how I found your blog but you immediately made it to my rooms with a view section on my blog.
I have no advise about the vaccination my family and I all experienced the H1N1 this last week and it was different for each of us. My son has Asthma so he wound up with a 2ndary infection and got pneumonia which sucked but he's doing great now...go with your instincts my four year old recovered the fastess!
LOVE, love, love your stuff!!! TFS
WOW! these are stunning, loving your work. they are so bright and beautiful x
it's so so good to see your layouts again... your style doesn't change : also so so perfect (for me ;-)
thanks for sharing and scrap more !!!please
Love all your layouts! They are beautiful! - Margie
um hello? I LOVE EVERYTHING. have i mentioned i'm so glad you are back to being crafty?? xoxo, your stalker.
good GRIEF, woman! these are BEYOND! i am in total scrappylove. seriously. you're amazing.
J'adore la première page, et la photo est géniale ! bravo !!!!
so glad you are scrapping...I just love.love everything you do!
omgosh you're back!!! Sorry i am late to the party i guess, lol. Love love love your layouts as always!!!
Just discovered your blog and wanted to say how amazing all those layouts are. I just got my SC kit today and you've inspired me to get using it :D
Wow! Amazing stuff, Alexis!!!! You're rockin' the SC kits!!!
Can I just say that I am so glad you are scrapping again. I could admire your pages all day!!! You need to be on our team!!
Alexis I can't even tell you how awesome it is to see creations from you again!!! :D You are the most inspiring scrapper out there! Loving the new Layouts! Hope everything is well!! Sarah looks adorable!
Love seeing you back in the galleries, Alexis!
For H1N1 I decided to vaccinate, at least Morgan, who is in Kindergarten, not so much because of a fear of death, but because of a fear of repeated illness. I volunteered at her classroom on Thursday, her teacher was out because her child was sick, there was a sub, and it was chaos. Yes, there was also an unplanned bus drill, but it was crazy. Morgan had missed two days of school that week because of a fever, and i figure if there is something I can do to keep her from getting sick over and over again, keep another kid from getting sick over and over again, the benefits outweigh the risks. They aren't going to get much of an education if their routine is constantly disrupted by missing kids, missing teachers, or sickness themselves, you know?
It's so good to see you scrap again!! Boy, you are just full of awesome ideas and your colors are always so stunning!! LOVE everything :)
Woohoo - Alexis is back!!
I am so happy to see your fab creations again - just love your use of color and you seem to have endless new ideas!
Superb! these pages are stunning!
Great post, i love to read more
Great layouts. I love your layering and your use of color.
beautiful layouts !
Wow these are some amazing work you got here, very talented...
this is really cool. looks amazing!
Wow..Your post looks very good nice n meaningful.
Good keep it up friend.
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Very fantastic post,I am really apperciate you for sharing this great post,It,s extermelly good and very helpful for me..
Amazing layout,Great work buddy :)
A very well-written post. Layout is outstanding.I read and liked the post.
So glad you are scrapping...I just love. Loves everything you do!
Gorgeous colours!very inspiring!
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