Score #2! Helen Dardik is one of my very favorite artists. She has such a fun and quirky style that inspires me so much. I scored this print of hers off etsy this afternoon. It'll be perfect for Sarah's room. Speaking of which, I need to start dinner for her. We had the most delicious dinner at our neighbor's house this past weekend. He made a REAL Italian tomato sauce that actually simmered for four hours. It was unreal. And the dressing he made for the salad.....equally incredible. And then he made this bacon pepper celery thing that was like nothing I had ever tasted before. But I couldn't stop eating it! And neither could Sarah. We shared some champagne, red wine, great stories and lots of laughs. Makes me wish we would have done more dinners like this over the years we lived here. But, you never truly know what you are going to miss until it's gone. Luckily though, the sauce isn't gone, lol. He graciously gave us a huge container filled to the brim. So that's what I"m off to heat up with some angel hair right now. I'll be back later on with a new layout ;)

ETA:: I'm baaaaack ;) Dinner was DE-lish....
On a sad note, George Carlin died this past Sunday. He was such a hilarious man. His social commentaries were poignant and really made you think (while you laughed your butt off). I remember watching his early stand ups with my father and just recently watching the last HBO special with Trey. If you haven't heard any of his work, I'd definitely put his shows on my "to watch" list.
The layout above was done for my girl Amy T and Oscraps. I used the new collab kit that is coming out some time in July. It has amazing colors and awesome elements. Keep an eye out for it if you're a digi lover like me :)
Such a cute print! Great score... :)
super cute print & great lo.
I too was sad about George Carlin...I grew up laughing listening to him & I loved how he got people thinking.
super cute lo girlie.
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