So far so good! We've got the kitchen unpacked and the family room is looking good. We've still got sooooo much to do. But at least we have a three day weekend to get stuff done. I've got some exciting news to share but I can't let the cat out of the bag until I get the "go ahead". :D
But here is some fun news I can share. Label Tulip is having a great 1st Anniversary event at the site! There will be challenges, prizes, and tons of fun. I can't wait for the chat, personally. I could talk scrapbooking all day. And I usually do if Amy is available :P
Today we're taking our little Dixie to get a puppy cut. The hot weather is just wilting her spirit. So it's time to lop off some of her gorgeous coat :( But I'm sure she'll be adorable anyway. We're going back to the place we bought her for the grooming, which is in Queens. I lived in Queens for a while and taught a mile or so down the street from the groomers. So it'll be nice to walk around and visit the area for a while. It's a predominately Asian area, so I love going into the stores. It's like stepping into a whole 'nother world. And you can get things you can't find anywhere else.
I hope to dig out the camera today so I can share some pics of the new home. I *think* I know where it is :P
WHAT news, what are you going to share, do tell me :D I better already know or you're bunkin' up on the couch.
can't wait to hear your news.
and see pics of your new home.
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