CHA is almost here. And the freak out session has begun. I JUST got my Dream Street box yesterday, which has turned this weekend into a whirlwind of scrapping instead of the hair appointment I wanted to squeeze in. Still waiting on other dt product for booth layouts. Hopefully next show things won't have to be so crunched. It makes the creative process so messy and stressful :P But in the end, it always seems to come out great. Just as long as I don't kill someone on the way to the finish line...
Lovin' the house....LOVIN'. It's so much bigger and my clutter no longer seems so daunting. I've gotten a few new pieces for the living room, dining room and kitchen. Not to mention the new bedroom set and the new couch in the family room. I promise to take pics once I'm back from CHA and life returns to normal. For now, those are a couple pics from the front yard. The darn thing is huge. Poor trey needs to gain some mowing stamina or hire a company to do it for him. This is no longer that patch of crabgrass we used to call a yard. This is like, for real, a front yard. Trust me, it's something to drool over in NY. You don't come by much grass that you can call your own very often. At least not if you want to live somewhat close to the city.
My reveal of my new Dream Street line is tomorrow on the blog! I'll put the pics here as well, just cause I'm a ho like that. Hope you like! It's a kid's/animal line that seems to be quite the trend so far for CHA-S. It's the first time I've been WITH the trend instead of behind it (with paper designs, mind you....my closet is packed with trendy goodness that I'll wear twice and then give away in a year :P)
And I might as well throw in some Label Tulip sneaks! The celebration is on at the site so drop by!! Plus they have a brand new look to the site....so clean lined and stunning :) Is it cheesy to say that I love working for this kit club!?! 'Cause I do....I really realllllly do ;)
Catch ya lata!
Um for real! Get out and mow that lawn! Ok, maybe I'm just bitter because I have to do ours :D
Ooh, love the sneaks! And congrats on the DT gig!!
Love the colors!
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