I love that quote way too much. If just fits a multitude of situations. Anyone remember the movie??
Thank you for all the well wishes for my friend. He had his surgery today and it went well! The surgery was shorter than expected and his brain activity is great. They are going to make him move around and do some cognitive tests to make sure everything is working properly. But as it looks right now, the surgery was a success. I can't tell you how happy I am right now. I want to cry and laugh and just thank God so much for looking after him.
Here are a few projects that I never uploaded from the Dream Street CHA-S booth. Label Tulip layouts will be coming soon! But I put a sneak peek at the end here just for kicks :P
Wow--I just love your paper line! I can't wait to get my hands on some. Also, thank goodness your friend made it through his surgery okay...well wishes to you both.
i have waiting for your label tulip sneak peaks.lol
DH says that all the time (the circle K thing), too funny! Love the layouts, can't wait to get some papers for myself! So good to hear your friend is doing well!
Love these layouts! The colors are just fabulous! I can't even get over it! LOL! And...of course I remember that movie! Bill and Ted are forever burned into our memories! LOL!
Bueno, no se si me entenderas, espero q si...solo decirte q me ha encantado tu blog y tengo una pregunta ya q he visto q eres de Long Island.Yo soy una amante del scrap y en diciembre viajo a ny (manhattan) y quisiera saber donde puedo comprar material de scrap en manhattan, ojala puedas ayudarme.un saludo.
i found the paper you designed at my lss. LOVE IT!! the color combos are wonderful. the peacock is too cute!!!
Oh, Alexis! I ADORE these projects, love the colors in your new papers!
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