It's that wonderful time of year again, when wearing layers of black and grey clothing, having loooong black hair and eating candy all day is totally acceptable. Ahhh, October. Why can't you last all year??
Sarah now has two costumes for this year. Her Batgirl costume that she wore to Mickey's Not So Halloween Party and her beloved "rat" costume that we just got at Old Navy for half off! She's in love with Remi from Ratatoille so that's who she's saying she is. I was apprehensive at first....I mean, a rat??? But, OH MY HECK did she look absolutely ADORABLE in it. It's all padded and puffy and actually cute like a mouse. The best part is that she loves to run around it all day and it makes me want to snuggle with her 24/7.
Sarah has been doing really well in school. She's made so many adorable craft projects that I've been photographing for an upcoming mini book. And her teacher says her favorite part of the day is craft time. Like mother, like daughter!
My hair is officially WAY too long, like 4 inches too long, so I think I'm going to get it cut. Not sure if I'm going to do layers or just blunt cut it all the way around. Decisions decisions....
It "only" cost $50 to fill my tank today. Soooo much better than $75 but still not great.
The pumpkin pie from last week came out scrumptious!! So this week we are trying our hand at an apple pie. I think Sarah's the one with the culinary ability since I've never been all that good at baking. But I must say the breaded shrimp we made tonight came out AWESOME!
I really want to see a good movie...any recommendations??
I leave you with one of my favorite scenes from a movie....ever.
Quote of the Day: Almost Famous
Totally agree with the movie!
LOVE LOVE the new projects!
Where is the pic of this adorable "rat"!
I didnt remember that Jason Lee was in that movie. I had a cabin next to him and his girlfriend thios summer. We sat out on the patio and talked. Nice guy!!
I love your projects!! Char
speaking about you on my blog
you rock!
love that frame Alexis
hi! i have no idea how i landed on your blog, but i LOVE your projects, and would you mind if i put a link to your blog from mine?
I LOVE Almost Famous. Next to Say Anything, it's my favorite Cameron Crowe film. LOVE the Halloween projects, btw!
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