Classic line from Office Space. I love that movie. So here are all my layouts from the most recent October Label Tulip kit. This kit seriously just flowed for me like no other. The layouts almost did themselves. I love when that happens! Stress free, fun scrapping. It doesn't get better than that!
I had Sarah's first parent/teacher conference today. To put it lightly, I was a mess! I used to do 20 parent teacher conferences in a night when I was teaching, but I never realized just how nerve wracking it is for the parents on the other side! Thank goodness all is wonderful with her. She's opening up to all the kids (she was very shy!), she loves craft projects, self initiates play with others, recognizes all letters, colors and shapes ( although she confused the rectangle and the square - hello, she's three...i think that's fine!). She even spelled mommy for me today. And thankfully the massive attitude she's been displaying at home has not made it to school. Luckily she saves those precious moments for me :P
I just baked my very first pumpkin pie and I'm praying that it comes out tasty. Sarah had a ball helping me so either way it was well worth the experience! And she only dropped on egg and two dirty spoons...not too bad :P
If you aren't watching True Blood, you must start. Lafayette is seriously my favorite character right now. I literally rewind his dialogues and replay them over and over again. Flippin hilarious.
Today was muggy and humid and nasty. I am NOT happy about that, mother nature. Please fix that for tomorrow...thanks so much.
Lafayette is my fav too!! love love him, he cracks me up. I loved when he saw that wman brining in the carsarole he was like humph another one!! lol, love it he is so cool! love your projects as always spectacular!
Stunning LOs, amazing really, I've been stalking your blog for a daily dose of inspiration, thanks for sharing your talent, you rock!
aaahhh! pumpkin pie! make me one? ;)
i LOVE these lo's so much! also, i cracked up the second i saw your title because i heard it in milton's voice. hee. give me back my stapler.
WOW! WOW! WOW!! YOU soooooooooo rocked that kit!!! You are AMAZING!!
Oh and I forgot to meantion... I LOVE true blood!! ANd Lafayette is too much!! He always makes me laugh!
I am honestly blown away by thee pieces of art. Each and every one - as stunning as the one before, or more. You REALLY really roooock!!
amazing amazing amazing layouts Alexis.. you just plain rock my scrapworld :)
I just found you site, and it's awesome!!!! Great layouts!! Have a wonderful weekend!! Char
holy cow. those layouts are amazing. you blow my mind every time, alexis!
You totally RAWKED that kit! I just love your style! Awesome work Alexis! ... and you BAKED a pumpkin pie?! wow! I'd love to try a slice.. I'd bake my own.... wait a min.. no I won't.. I'm a DISASTER in the kitchen.. HAHA! Have a good weekend! :)
I love your news pages!!!Great layouts!!
wowoww, its is a fab!!! all lo's are great!!!! many wowowowowow's! hehehe
you are so one of my all time fav.scrappers {and i am very picky}.lol
love to see your stuff.
i so completely love these layouts - particularly the 'momentarily serene' one! you've got such a fantastic eye for what goes well together - i dont think i could pick combinations out as well as you!
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